Source code for brix.grid_maker

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jul 29 18:57:59 2019

@author: doorleyr
@contributors: crisjf, guadalupebabio
from .classes import Handler
from .helpers import deg_to_rad, rad_to_deg, get_timezone_offset, hex_to_rgb
from .functions import normalize_table_name, check_table_name

import pyproj
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.path as mplPath
import requests
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import json
import traceback
import matplotlib
from vincenty import vincenty
from warnings import warn
from shapely.geometry import shape

[docs]class Grid_maker(Handler): """ Takes the properties of the grid and using the Haversine formula, computes the location of the top-right corner. Then projects to spatial coordinates in order to find the locations of the rest of the grid cells Parameters ---------- table_name: str Name of table to create. It will overwrite it if it exists. top_left_lat: float Latitude of top left corner of grid top_left_lon: float Longitude of top left corner of grid cell_size: float, defaults to 100 Lenght in meters of the side of each cell. nrows: int, defaults to 20 Number of rows ncols: int, defaults to 20 Number of columns rotation: int, defaults to 0 Roation of the grid. crs_epsg: str EPSG code for the desired projection. Do not include 'EPSG' if crs_epsg== None, the projection will be estimated based on the longitude """ color_palettes = {10:'tab10',20:'tab20'} wgs=pyproj.Proj("EPSG:4326") def __init__(self, table_name, top_left_lat, top_left_lon, cell_size=100, nrows=20, ncols=20, rotation=0, crs_epsg=None ,quietly=False): if not check_table_name(table_name): new_table_name = normalize_table_name(table_name) if not quietly: print(f'Incorrect table name "{table_name}", using "{new_table_name}" instead') warn(f'Incorrect table name "{table_name}", using "{new_table_name}" instead') table_name = new_table_name if crs_epsg is None: utm_zone = int(np.floor((top_left_lon + 180) / 6) + 1) crs = f"+proj=utm +zone={utm_zone} +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs" else: crs = f"EPSG:{crs_epsg}" super(Grid_maker, self).__init__( table_name, quietly = quietly, shell_mode = True ) if self.is_table(): if not self.quietly: print(f'Table {self.table_name} already exists') warn(f'Table {self.table_name} already exists') if not self.quietly: print('Calculating initial coordinates of each cell') EARTH_RADIUS_M=6.371e6 top_left_lon_lat={'lon': top_left_lon, 'lat': top_left_lat} bearing=(90-rotation+360)%360 self.projection=pyproj.Proj(crs) cell_size=cell_size self.nrows=nrows self.ncols=ncols Ad=(cell_size*ncols)/EARTH_RADIUS_M la1=deg_to_rad(top_left_lon_lat['lat']) lo1=deg_to_rad(top_left_lon_lat['lon']) bearing_rad=deg_to_rad(bearing) la2= math.asin(math.sin(la1) * math.cos(Ad) + math.cos(la1) * math.sin(Ad) * math.cos(bearing_rad)) lo2= lo1+ math.atan2(math.sin(bearing_rad) * math.sin(Ad) * math.cos(la1), math.cos(Ad)-math.sin(la1)*math.sin(la2)) top_right_lon_lat={'lon': rad_to_deg(lo2), 'lat': rad_to_deg(la2)} top_left_xy=pyproj.transform(self.wgs, self.projection, top_left_lon_lat['lat'],top_left_lon_lat['lon']) top_right_xy=pyproj.transform(self.wgs, self.projection, top_right_lon_lat['lat'],top_right_lon_lat['lon']) # now we have the top two points in a spatial system, # we can calculate the rest of the points dydx=(top_right_xy[1]-top_left_xy[1])/(top_right_xy[0]-top_left_xy[0]) theta=math.atan((dydx)) cosTheta=math.cos(theta) sinTheta=math.sin(theta) x_unRot=[j*cell_size for i in range(nrows) for j in range(ncols)] y_unRot=[-i*cell_size for i in range(nrows) for j in range(ncols)] # use the rotation matrix to rotate around the origin x_rot=[x_unRot[i]*cosTheta -y_unRot[i]*sinTheta for i in range(len(x_unRot))] y_rot=[x_unRot[i]*sinTheta +y_unRot[i]*cosTheta for i in range(len(x_unRot))] x_rot_trans=[top_left_xy[0]+x_rot[i] for i in range(len(x_rot))] y_rot_trans=[top_left_xy[1]+y_rot[i] for i in range(len(x_rot))] lat_grid, lon_grid=pyproj.transform(self.projection,self.wgs,x_rot_trans, y_rot_trans) if not self.quietly: print('Defining properties and headers') self.grid_coords_ll=[[lon_grid[i], lat_grid[i]] for i in range(len(lon_grid))] self.grid_coords_xy=[[x_rot_trans[i], y_rot_trans[i]] for i in range(len(y_rot_trans))]{'color':[0,0,0], 'height': 0, 'id': 0, 'interactive': "Web", 'name': "test"} try: tz = get_timezone_offset(top_left_lat,top_left_lon) except Exception: warn('Could not set timezone.') warn(traceback.format_exc()) tz = -5 self.header={ 'cellSize': cell_size, 'latitude': top_left_lat, 'longitude': top_left_lon, 'ncols': ncols, 'nrows': nrows, 'projection': '+proj=lcc +lat_1=42.68333333333333 +lat_2=41.71666666666667 +lat_0=41 +lon_0=-71.5 +x_0=200000 +y_0=750000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_def', #not sure from where? 'rotation': rotation, 'tableName':self.table_name, 'tz': tz } self.geojson_object = None
[docs] def generate_geogriddata(self): ''' Ensures that all cells point to a valid cell type in the features endpoint. ''' types_list = list(self.geojson_object['properties']['types'].keys()) for cell in self.geojson_object['features']: cell_type = cell['properties']['name'] if cell_type != 'None': if cell_type not in types_list: cell_type = np.random.choice(types_list) cell['properties']['name'] = cell_type type_props = self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][cell_type] cell['properties']['height'] = type_props['height'] type_color = type_props['color'] if type(type_color) is str: cell['properties']['color'] = hex_to_rgb(type_color) else: cell['properties']['color'] = type_color else: if 'interactive' in cell['properties'].keys(): del cell['properties']['interactive'] cell['properties']['color'] = [0,0,0,0] cell['properties']['height'] = 0
[docs] def choose_color(self,i,n): ''' Uses matplotlib tab10 and tab20 color palettes to generate a color. Parameters ---------- i: int Index of color (e.g. 0,1,2,3,...,n) n: int Size of palette Returns ------- color: list RGB code for color ''' if n<=10: cmap ='tab10') mod = 10 else: cmap ='tab20') mod = 20 return [int(c*255) for c in cmap.colors[i % mod]]
[docs] def generate_color(self): ''' Uses default color palette to generate colors for all types that do not have a color defined. ''' types_missing_color = [k for k in self.get_grid_geojson()['properties']['types'] if 'color' not in self.get_grid_geojson()['properties']['types'][k].keys()] n = len(types_missing_color) i = 0 for k in types_missing_color: self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][k]['color'] = self.choose_color(i,n) i+=1
[docs] def generate_height(self): ''' Adds height zero to types missing height ''' for k in self.get_grid_geojson()['properties']['types']: if 'height' not in self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][k].keys(): self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][k]['height'] = 0
[docs] def generate_interactive(self): ''' Adds the interactive=Web property when missing ''' for k in self.get_grid_geojson()['properties']['types']: if 'interactive' not in self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][k].keys(): self.geojson_object['properties']['types'][k]['interactive'] = 'Web'
[docs] def generate_missing(self): ''' Wrapper to generate missing necessary properties: color and height ''' self.generate_color() self.generate_height() self.generate_interactive() self.generate_geogriddata()
[docs] def get_grid_geojson(self): ''' Returns the object created with :func:`brix.Grid_maker.set_grid_geojson`. If the object has not been created, it will created using the default properties. Returns ------- geogrid: dict Object to be posted to GEOGRID endpoint to create table. See :func:`brix.commit_grid` ''' if self.geojson_object is None: self.set_grid_geojson() return self.geojson_object
[docs] def set_grid_geojson(self, add_properties={}, include_global_properties=True): ''' Takes the pre-computed locations of the top-left corner of every grid cell and creates a corresponding Multi-Polygon geojson object. Does not return the object, but saves it in object. Use :func:`brix.Grid_maker.get_grid_geojson` to access it Parameters ---------- add_properties: dict (optional) Properties of each type. Currently not supported include_global_properties: Boolean, defaults to `True` If `True` it will add global properties to each cell. ''' if not self.quietly: print('Generating grid geojson') dLLdCol=[self.grid_coords_ll[1][0]-self.grid_coords_ll[0][0], self.grid_coords_ll[1][1]-self.grid_coords_ll[0][1]] dLLdRow=[self.grid_coords_ll[self.ncols][0]-self.grid_coords_ll[0][0], self.grid_coords_ll[self.ncols][1]-self.grid_coords_ll[0][1]] features=[] for i, g in enumerate(self.grid_coords_ll): coords=[g, [g[0]+dLLdRow[0], g[1]+dLLdRow[1]], [g[0]+dLLdCol[0]+dLLdRow[0], g[1]+ dLLdCol[1]+dLLdRow[1]], [g[0]+dLLdCol[0],g[1]+dLLdCol[1]], g] properties={} properties=copy.copy( properties['id'] = i # for p in # properties[p][p][i] # for p in add_properties: # properties[p]=add_properties[p][i] features.append({'type': 'Feature', 'geometry':{'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': [coords]}, 'properties': properties}) geojson_object={'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': features} if include_global_properties: type_attributes = { 'LBCS': [{'proportion':1,'use':{}}], 'NAICS':[{'proportion':1,'use':{}}], 'color':[0,0,0], 'height': 0, 'interactive': "Web", 'name': 'test', 'tableData': {'id': 0} } geojson_object['properties']={ 'geogrid_to_tui_mapping': { }, 'header': self.header, 'types' : {'Default': type_attributes} } self.geojson_object = geojson_object
[docs] def plot(self): ''' Plots the whole grid in blue. If some cells are maked as interactive, they will be plotted in red. Useful to ensure the correct behavior. ''' plt.scatter([g[0] for g in self.grid_coords_ll], [g[1] for g in self.grid_coords_ll], c='blue', alpha=0.5)
[docs] def commit_grid(self): ''' Commits the geogrid to create the new table. This will reset GEOGRIDDATA and clear all indicator endpoints if the table alread existed. ''' post_table = True if self.is_table(): post_table = input('Table exists, do you want to overwrite it?') post_table = (post_table.lower().strip()[0]=='y') if post_table: self.generate_missing() geogrid = self.get_grid_geojson() r =, data = json.dumps({'GEOGRID':geogrid}), headers=self.post_headers) if not self.quietly: print('Geogrid posted to:') print(r.url) print(r.status_code) self.reset_geogrid_data() self.clear_endpoints() self.center_grid_view() if not self.quietly: print(self.front_end_url) else: if not self.quietly: print("Table not overwritten")
[docs] def edit_types(self,types): ''' Changes the default types for user defined types. If the GEOGRID object returned has not been created, it will created using the default properties. Parameters ---------- types: dict or list Object with new type definitions. When passing a dict, each type name is passed as a key and values are dicts with the properties of each type. When passing a list, only passes the names of the types, other baseline properties will be generated by default. ''' if self.geojson_object is None: self.set_grid_geojson() if type(types) is dict: self.geojson_object['properties']['types']=types elif type(types) is list: self.geojson_object['properties']['types']={k:{} for k in types} self.generate_missing() else: raise NameError(f"Wrong type definition, pass dict or list, object passed was {type(types)}")
[docs] def grid_types(self): return self.geojson_object['properties']['types']
[docs] def set_noninteractive(self,poly): ''' Sets cells that fall outside of polygon as non interactive. Parameters ---------- poly: shapely Polygon Polygon bounding the interactive part of the grid. ''' if self.geojson_object is None: self.set_grid_geojson() for cell in self.geojson_object['features']: cell_shape = shape(cell['geometry']) if not cell_shape.centroid.within(poly): cell['properties']['name'] = 'None' cell['properties']['color'] = [0,0,0,0] cell['properties'].pop('interactive',None)
def grid_from_poly(table_name,poly,ncells=20): ''' Creates a :class:`brix.Grid_maker` object based on the given polygon. It sets cells that fall outside the polygon as non-interactive. Parameters ---------- table_name: str Name of table to create. It will overwrite it if it exists. poly: shapely.Polygon Polygon of grid bounds. ncells: int, defaults to 20 Number of cells in the longest side. Returns ------- G: :class:`brix.Grid_maker` Grid_maker object with properties inferrred from polygon. ''' rotation = 0 corner_bbox = poly.bounds #lower left corner and upper right corner ## DEFINE PARAMETS OF THE GRID ## top_left_lat = corner_bbox[3] ## #42.3664655 top_left_lon = corner_bbox[0] ## #-71.0854323 top_left = (top_left_lat,top_left_lon) top_right_lat = corner_bbox[3] top_right_lon = corner_bbox[2] top_right = (top_right_lat,top_right_lon) bottom_left_lat = corner_bbox[1] bottom_left_lon = corner_bbox[0] bottom_left = (bottom_left_lat,bottom_left_lon) dist_horizontal = vincenty(top_left, top_right)*1000 #in m dist_vertical = vincenty(top_left, bottom_left)*1000 #in m if dist_horizontal > dist_vertical: ncols = ncells ## cell_side = round(dist_horizontal / ncols) cell_size = cell_side #m ## nrows = round(dist_vertical / cell_side) ## else: nrows = ncells ## cell_side = round(dist_vertical / nrows) cell_size = cell_side #m ## ncols = round(dist_horizontal / cell_side) ## G = Grid_maker(table_name, top_left_lat, top_left_lon, rotation=rotation, cell_size=cell_size, nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols) G.set_grid_geojson() G.set_noninteractive(poly) return G