import requests
import webbrowser
import json
import pygeohash as pgh
import joblib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import hashlib
import weakref
from warnings import warn
from time import sleep, time as right_now
from collections import defaultdict
from .helpers import is_number, get_buffer_size, urljoin, get_timezone_offset
from threading import Thread
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from shapely.geometry import shape
from copy import deepcopy
import networkx as nx
warn('Networkx not found.')
import traceback
[docs]class GEOGRIDDATA(list):
Class to package the input needed by each indicator.
This class extends a simple list to charge it with additional properties, if needed.
It's mainly used for internal purposes.
geogrid_data : list
List to converg to GEOGRIDDATA object.
def __init__(self,geogrid_data):
super(GEOGRIDDATA, self).__init__()
if isinstance(geogrid_data,dict):
raise NameError('Invalid GEOGRIDDATA endpoint. You need to update your grid at least once. See Handler.reset_geogrid_data()')
for e in geogrid_data:
self.geogrid_props = None
self.GEOGRID = None
self.classification_list = []
self.df = None
self.graph = None
[docs] def set_classification_list(self,classification_list):
self.classification_list = classification_list
[docs] def link_table(self,table_name):
Sets geogrid using set_geogrid.
This function should use if GEOGRID needs to be updated.
table_name: str or :class:`brix.Handler`
Name of the table or Handler object.
if isinstance(table_name,Handler):
tableHandler = table_name
tableHandler = Handler(table_name)
[docs] def set_geogrid(self,GEOGRID):
[docs] def set_geogrid_edges(self,GEOGRID_EDGES):
[docs] def get_geogrid(self):
Get the value of GEOGRIDDATA from the corresponding :class:`brix.Handler`.
GEOGRID : dict
Value of GEOGRID
return self.GEOGRID
[docs] def pop_geometries(self):
for cell in self:
if 'geometry' in cell.keys():
del cell['geometry']
[docs] def get_geogrid_props(self):
Get the value of :attr:`brix.Handler.geogrid_props` from the corresponding :class:`brix.Handler`.
geogrid_props : dict or list
Value of :attr:`brix.Handler.geogrid_props`
return self.GEOGRID['properties']
[docs] def grid_size(self):
Returns size of the grid (total numer of cells).
return len(self.get_geogrid()['features'])
[docs] def get_type_info(self):
return self.get_geogrid_props()['types']
[docs] def get_type_set(self):
Returns set with all types defined in GEOGRID.
return set(self.get_geogrid_props()['types'])|set(['None'])
[docs] def number_of_types(self):
return len(self.get_type_set())
[docs] def check_type_validity(self,raise_error=True):
Checks if all types in the given GEOGRIDDATA object correspond to a type defined in GEOGRID.
This function raises an error by default.
raise_error: boolean, defaults to `True`
If False, it will not raise the error by return a boolean of whether the types are valid or not.
non_defined_cells = set([cell['name'] for cell in self]).difference(self.get_type_set())
if len(non_defined_cells)!=0:
if raise_error:
raise NameError('Some types defined in GEOGRIDDATA do not match those in GEOGRID\n. Unrecognized types:',non_defined_cells)
return False
if not raise_error:
return True
[docs] def check_id_validity(self,quietly=True):
Checks if all ids are in GEOGRIDDATA or if some are missing by comparing the number of unique ids of the current object with the grid size as return by :func:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA.grid_size`.
Does not raise an error, but returns a boolean.
See :func:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA.fill_missing_cells`
validity: boolean
If `False`, the number of unique ids does not match the grid size.
n_unique_ids = len(set([cell['id'] for cell in self]))
if n_unique_ids==self.grid_size():
return True
if not quietly:
print('Number of unique cells in geogrid_data does not match grid size')
return False
[docs] def fill_missing_cells(self):
Fills missing cells from GEOGRID.
This is useful when working only with interactive cells.
available_ids = [cell['id'] for cell in self]
for cell in self.GEOGRID['features']:
cell = cell['properties']
if cell['id'] not in available_ids:
[docs] def remap_colors(self):
Forces the colors to match the define colors of the cell type.
Requires that GEOGRIDDATA is set.
if self.GEOGRID is None:
raise NameError('GEOGRIDDATA object does not have GEOGRID attribute.')
for cell in self:
cell_type = cell['name']
if cell_type!='None':
if 'color' in cell.keys():
current_color = cell['color']
type_color = GEOGRID['properties']['types'][cell_type]['color']
if isinstance(type_color,str):
h = type_color.replace('#','')
color = list(int(h[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
elif isinstance(type_color,list):
color = type_color[:]
if len(current_color)==4:
if len(color)==4: # replace type transparency
color[3] = current_color[-1]
color.append(current_color[-1]) #used to handle user-defined transparencies
cell['color'] = color
cell['color'] = [0,0,0,0]
[docs] def remap_interactive(self):
Forces the colors to match the define colors of the cell type.
Requires that GEOGRIDDATA is set
if self.GEOGRID is None:
raise NameError('GEOGRIDDATA object does not have GEOGRID attribute.')
for cell in self:
cell_type = cell['name']
if cell_type!='None':
h = GEOGRID['properties']['types'][cell_type]
if 'interactive' in h.keys():
cell['interactive'] = h['interactive']
if 'interactive' in cell.keys():
del cell['interactive']
elif 'interactive' in cell.keys():
del cell['interactive']
[docs] def as_df(self,include_geometries=None):
Returns the dataframe version of the geogriddata object.
include_geometries: None
If set, it will override the default option.
if self.df is None:
geogrid_data = deepcopy(self)
for cell in geogrid_data:
if 'properties' in cell.keys():
cell_props = cell['properties']
for k in cell_props:
if cell_props[k] is not None:
if k not in self.classification_list:
cell[f'property_{k}'] = cell_props[k]
for code in cell_props[k]:
cell[f'{k}_{code}'] = cell_props[k][code]
del cell['properties']
geogrid_data = pd.DataFrame(geogrid_data)
columns_order = [c for c in geogrid_data.columns if c.split('_')[0] not in self.classification_list]
columns_order+= sorted([c for c in geogrid_data.columns if c.split('_')[0] in self.classification_list])
geogrid_data = geogrid_data[columns_order]
if 'geometry' in geogrid_data.columns:
geogrid_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geogrid_data.drop('geometry',1),geometry=geogrid_data['geometry'].apply(lambda x: shape(x)),crs='EPSG:4326')
self.df = geogrid_data
geogrid_data = deepcopy(self.df)
if include_geometries is not None:
if include_geometries:
if 'geometry' not in geogrid_data.columns:
geos = pd.DataFrame([(cell['properties']['id'],cell['geometry']) for cell in self.GEOGRID['features']],columns=['id','geometry'])
geogrid_data = pd.merge(geogrid_data,geos)
geogrid_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geogrid_data.drop('geometry',1),geometry=geogrid_data['geometry'].apply(lambda x: shape(x)),crs='EPSG:4326')
geogrid_data = geogrid_data.drop('geometry',1,errors='ignore')
return geogrid_data
[docs] def as_graph(self,edges_only=False):
Returns the geogriddata object as a networkx.Graph.
edges_only: boolean, defaults to `False`
If True, it will return the edgelist instead
G: networkx.Graph
Graph connecting each cell to its first neighbors.
If edges_only=True, returns a list of edges instead.
if not edges_only:
if (self.graph is None)&(self.GEOGRID_EDGES is not None):
geogrid_data = self.as_df(include_geometries=False)
G = nx.Graph()
G.add_nodes_from([(index,dict(row)) for index,row in geogrid_data.drop('geometry',1,errors='ignore').set_index('id').iterrows()])
self.graph = G
return self.graph
return self.GEOGRID_EDGES
[docs] def remove_noninteractive(self):
Remove noninteractive cells from object.
Modification is done in-place, meaning the object is modified.
The function will also return the object.
self: brix.GEOGRIDDATA
Modified object.
non_interative_id = []
for i,cell in enumerate(self):
if 'interactive' in cell.keys():
if cell['interactive']!='Web':
if 'interactive' not in cell.keys():
non_interative_id = sorted(non_interative_id)[::-1]
for i in non_interative_id:
del self[i]
self.df = None
return self
[docs] def bounds(self,bbox=False,buffer_percent=None):
Returns the bounds of the geogrid.
bbox: boolean, defaults to False
If True, it will return a bounding box instead of a polygon. [W, S, E, N]
buffer_percent: float, optional
If given, this will add a buffer around the table.
Size of buffer in units of the grid diameter
See :func:`brix.get_buffer_size`.
limit: shapely.Polygon or list
Bounds of the table. If `bbox=True` it will return a horizontal bounding box.
geogrid_data = self.as_df(include_geometries=True)
# grid = [shape(cell['geometry']) for cell in self]
# limit = unary_union(grid)
limit = geogrid_data.geometry.unary_union
limit = limit.buffer(get_buffer_size(limit,buffer_percent=0.001))
limit = limit.simplify(0.00001)
if buffer_percent is not None:
buffer_size = get_buffer_size(limit,buffer_percent=buffer_percent)
limit = limit.buffer(buffer_size)
limit = limit.simplify(0.0001)
if bbox:
lons,lats = zip(*limit.exterior.coords)
return [min(lons),min(lats),max(lons),max(lats)]
return limit
[docs]class Handler(Thread):
'''Class to handle the connection for indicators built based on data from the GEOGRID. To use, instantiate the class and use the :func:`~brix.Handler.add_indicator` method to pass it a set of :class:`~brix.Indicator` objects.
table_name : str
Table name to lisen to.
quietly : boolean, defaults to `False`
If True, it will show the status of every API call.
host_mode : str, defaults to 'remote'
If 'local' it will use as host.
host_name : str, defaults to class remote_host
If passed, it will override the class host.
reference : dict, optional
Dictionary for reference values for each indicator.
shell_mode : Boolean, optional defaults to False
If True, it will not get the current hash when instantiating the class. Useful for testing.
remote_host = ''
cityio_post_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
GEOGRID_endpoint = 'GEOGRID'
_indicator_instances = set()
def __init__(self, table_name,
host_mode ='remote',
host_name = None,
reference = None,
shell_mode = False
super(Handler, self).__init__()
if host_name is None: = self.remote_host
else: = host_name.strip('/') = '' if host_mode=='local' else
self.post_headers = self.cityio_post_headers
self.sleep_time_short = 0.5
self.sleep_time_long = 2
self.rest_mode = False
self.active_start = right_now()
self.total_active_time = 5*60
self.nAttempts = 5
self.append_on_post = False
self.table_name = table_name
self.front_end_url = f'{self.table_name}'
self.cityIO_get_url = urljoin(,'api/table',self.table_name)
self.cityIO_post_url = urljoin(,'api/table',self.table_name)
self.GEOGRID_varname = self.GEOGRID_endpoint
self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname = self.GEOGRIDDATA_endpoint
self.cityIO_GEOGRID_get_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url, self.GEOGRID_varname)
self.cityIO_GEOGRID_post_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_post_url, self.GEOGRID_varname)
self.cityIO_GEOGRIDDATA_get_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url, self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname)
self.cityIO_GEOGRIDDATA_post_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_post_url, self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname)
self.GEOGRID = None
self.quietly = quietly
self.indicators = {}
self.update_geogrid_data_functions = []
self.grid_hash_id = None
self.shell_mode = shell_mode
if not self.shell_mode:
if not self.is_table():
if not self.quietly:
print('Table does not exist, setting Handler to shell_mode')
warn('Table does not exist, setting Handler to shell_mode')
self.shell_mode = True
if not self.shell_mode:
self.grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
self.previous_indicators = None
self.previous_access = None
self.none_character = 0
self.reference = reference
self.classification_list = ['LBCS','NAICS']
self.OSM_data = {}
[docs] def is_table(self):
Checks it table exists by getting the base url.
self.is_table : boolean
True if table exists.
table_list_url = urljoin(self.remote_host,'api/tables/list')
r = self._get_url(table_list_url)
if r.status_code!=200:
raise NameError(f'Unable to retrieve list of tables: status code ={r.status_code}')
table_list = [t.strip('/').split('/')[-1] for t in r.json()]
if self.table_name in table_list:
return True
return False
[docs] def delete_table(self):
Deletes table if it exists.
Will prompt user to make sure this function was not run by mistake.
if self.is_table():
delete_table = input(f'Are you sure you want to delete {self.table_name}?')
delete_table = (delete_table.lower().strip()[0] == 'y')
if delete_table:
r = requests.delete(self.cityIO_post_url)
if r.status_code==200:
if not self.quietly:
print(f'{self.table_name} deleted')
self.is_table = None
warn(f'Something went wrong, status_code:{r.status_code}')
if not self.quietly:
print('Table not deleted')
print('Table does not exist')
[docs] def sleep_time(self):
Returns sleep time in seconds, handling whether the table is in rest_mode or not.
if self.rest_mode:
return self.sleep_time_long
return self.sleep_time_short
[docs] def wake_up(self):
Turns off rest mode.
if not self.quietly:
print('Waking up!')
self.rest_mode = False
self.active_start = right_now()
[docs] def check_rest(self):
Checks if module should be put in resting mode
if not self.rest_mode:
current_time = right_now()
if current_time-self.active_start>=self.total_active_time:
if not self.quietly:
print('Going into rest mode')
print('Time active:',current_time-self.active_start)
self.rest_mode = True
[docs] def grid_bounds(self,bbox=False,buffer_percent=None):
Returns the bounds of the geogrid.
Wrapper around :func:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA.bounds`
bbox: boolean, defaults to False
If True, it will return a bounding box instead of a polygon. [W, S, E, N]
buffer_percent: float, optional
If given, this will add a buffer around the table.
Size of buffer in units of the grid diameter
See :func:`brix.get_buffer_size`.
limit: shapely.Polygon or list
Bounds of the table. If `bbox=True` it will return a horizontal bounding box.
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data(include_geometries=True)
bounds = geogrid_data.bounds(bbox=bbox,buffer_percent=buffer_percent)
return bounds
[docs] def check_table(self,return_value=False):
Prints the front end url for the table.
return_value : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will print and return the front end url.
front_end_url : str
Onlye if `return_value=True`.
if return_value:
return self.front_end_url
[docs] def see_current(self,indicator_type='numeric'):
'''Returns the current values of the indicators posted for the table.
indicator_type : str, defaults to `numeric`
Type of the indicator. Choose either `numeric`, `access`, or `heatmap` (`access` and `heatmap` refer to the same type).
current_status: dict
Current value of selected indicators.
if indicator_type in ['numeric']:
r = self._get_url(urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url,'indicators'))
elif indicator_type in ['heatmap','access']:
r = self._get_url(urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url,'access'))
raise NameError('Indicator type should either be numeric, heatmap, or access. Current type: '+str(indicator_type))
if r.status_code==200:
return r.json()
warn('Cant access cityIO hashes')
return {}
[docs] def list_indicators(self):
'''Returns list of all indicator names.
indicators_names : list
List of indicator names.
return [name for name in self.indicators]
[docs] @classmethod
def all_indicator_instances(cls):
Returns a generator with every indicator instance.
dead = set()
for ref in cls._indicator_instances:
obj = ref()
if obj is not None:
yield obj
cls._indicator_instances -= dead
[docs] @classmethod
def list_all_indicator_instances(cls):
Returns a list with all indicator instances.
return list(cls.all_indicator_instances())
[docs] def list_all_unlinked_indicators(self):
Returns the names of all the unlinked indicators.
indicators_names : list
List of indicator names.
unlinked_indicators = []
for obj in self.all_indicator_instances():
if not in self.list_indicators():
return unlinked_indicators
[docs] def set_timezone(self):
Sets the time zone of the table based on its coordinates.
Useful for front end shadow simulation.
props = self.get_table_properties()
lat,lon = props['latitude'],props['longitude']
hour_offset = get_timezone_offset(lat,lon)
url = urljoin(self.cityIO_post_url,'GEOGRID','properties','header','tz')
r =,data=str(int(hour_offset)),headers=self.post_headers)
if r.status_code==200:
if not self.quietly:
print('Timezone set to:',hour_offset)
[docs] def center_grid_view(self):
Sets the initial grid view to the center of the grid.
grid_center = self.grid_bounds().centroid
lon = grid_center.x
lat = grid_center.y
lat_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_GEOGRID_post_url,'properties','header','latitude')
lon_url = urljoin(self.cityIO_GEOGRID_post_url,'properties','header','longitude')
r =,data=str(lat),headers=self.post_headers)
r =,data=str(lon),headers=self.post_headers)
[docs] def indicator(self,name):
'''Returns the :class:`brix.Indicator` with the given name.
name : str
Name of the indicator. See :func:`brix.Handler.list_indicators`.
selected_indicator : :class:`brix.Indicator`
Selected indicator object.
return self.indicators[name]
[docs] def add_indicators(self,indicator_list,test=True):
'''Same as :func:`brix.Handler.add_indicator` but it takes in a list of :class:`brix.Indicator` objects.
indicator_list : list
List of :class:`brix.Indicator` objects.
for I in indicator_list:
[docs] def add_indicator(self,I,test=True):
'''Adds indicator to handler object.
I : :class:`brix.Indicator`
Indicator object to handle. If indicator has name, this will use as identifier. If indicator has no name, it will generate an identifier.
test : boolean, defaults to `True`
If `True` it will ensure the indicator runs before adding it to the :class:`brix.Handler`.
if not isinstance(I,Indicator):
raise NameError('Indicator must be instance of Indicator class')
if is not None:
indicatorName =
indicatorName = ('0000'+str(len(self.indicators)+1))[-4:] = indicatorName
# if I.tableHandler is not None:
# warn(f'Indicator {indicatorName} has a table linked to it. This functionality will be deprecated soon.')
if indicatorName in self.indicators.keys():
warn(f'Indicator {indicatorName} already exists and will be overwritten')
I.table_name = self.table_name
self.indicators[indicatorName] = I
if test:
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
if I.indicator_type not in set(['numeric','heatmap','access','textual','hybrid','grid']):
raise NameError('Indicator type should either be numeric, heatmap, textual, or hybrid. Current type: '+str(I.indicator_type))
if I.is_composite:
indicator_values = self.get_indicator_values(geogrid_data=geogrid_data,include_composite=False)
warn('Indicator not working: '+indicatorName)
[docs] def add_geogrid_data_update_function(self,update_func):
Adds a function to update GEOGRIDDATA.
See :func:`brix.Handler.update_geogrid_data`.
update_func : function
Function to update the geogriddadata (list of dicts)
Function should take a :class:`brix.Handler` as the first and only positional argument.
No keyword arguments are supported when using this feature.
Function should return a list of dicts that represents a valid geogriddata object.
[docs] def return_indicator(self,indicator_name):
'''Returns the unformatted value returned by :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` function of the selected indicator.
indicator_name : str
Name or identifier of the indicator. See :func:`brix.Handler.list_indicators()`
indicator_value : dict or float
Result of :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` function for the selected indicator.
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
if I.is_composite:
indicator_values = self.get_indicator_values(geogrid_data=geogrid_data,include_composite=False)
return I.return_indicator(indicator_values)
return I.return_indicator(geogrid_data)
def _format_geojson(self,new_value,indicator_name):
Formats the result of the return_indicator function into a valid geojson (not a cityIO geojson)
if isinstance(new_value,dict) and ('properties' in new_value.keys()) and ('features' in new_value.keys()):
if (len(new_value['properties'])==1) and all([((not isinstance(f['properties'],dict))) and (is_number(f['properties'])) for f in new_value['features']]):
# print('Type1B')
for f in new_value['features']:
f['properties'] = [f['properties']]
# print('Type1')
if all([(not isinstance(f['properties'],dict)) for f in new_value['features']]):
for f in new_value['features']:
feature_properties = f['properties']
if len(feature_properties)<len(new_value['properties']):
elif len(feature_properties)>len(new_value['properties']):
feature_properties = feature_properties[:new_value['properties']]
f['properties'] = dict(zip(new_value['properties'],feature_properties))
elif isinstance(new_value,dict) and ('features' in new_value.keys()):
if all([(not isinstance(f['properties'],dict)) and isinstance(f['properties'],list) and (len(f['properties'])==1) for f in new_value['features']]):
# print('Type2B')
for f in new_value['features']:
f['properties'] = {indicator_name:f['properties'][0]}
elif all([(not isinstance(f['properties'],dict)) and is_number(f['properties']) for f in new_value['features']]):
# print('Type2C')
for f in new_value['features']:
f['properties'] = {indicator_name:f['properties']}
# print('Type2')
elif isinstance(new_value,list) and all([(isinstance(f,dict) and 'geometry' in f.keys()) for f in new_value]):
if all([is_number(f['properties']) for f in new_value]):
# print('Type3B')
for f in new_value:
f['properties'] = {indicator_name:f['properties']}
elif not all([isinstance(f['properties'],dict) for f in new_value]):
raise NameError('Indicator returned invalid geojson or feature list:'+indicator_name)
# print('Type3')
new_value = {'features':new_value,'type':'FeatureCollection'}
raise NameError('Indicator returned invalid geojson or feature list:'+indicator_name)
for feature in new_value['features']:
feature['properties'] = defaultdict(lambda: self.none_character,feature['properties'])
return new_value
def _new_value(self,geogrid_data,indicator_name):
Formats the result of the indicator's return_indicator function.a
If indicator is numeric, the result is formatted as:
If indicator is access or heatmap, the result is formatted as a list of features:
with each feature formatted as:
name: value,
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
new_value_raw = I.return_indicator(geogrid_data)
if I.indicator_type in ['access','heatmap']:
return self._new_value_heatmap(new_value_raw,I,indicator_name)
elif I.indicator_type in ['numeric']:
return self._new_value_numeric(new_value_raw,I,indicator_name)
elif I.indicator_type in ['text','textual','annotation']:
return self._new_value_textual(new_value_raw,I,indicator_name)
elif I.indicator_type in ['hybrid']:
new_value_heatmap = None
for k in ['access','heatmap']:
if k in new_value_raw.keys():
new_value_heatmap = new_value_raw[k]
if new_value_heatmap is not None:
new_value_heatmap = self._new_value_heatmap(new_value_heatmap,I,indicator_name)
new_value_numeric = None
if 'numeric' in new_value_raw.keys():
new_value_numeric = new_value_raw['numeric']
if new_value_numeric is not None:
new_value_numeric = self._new_value_numeric(new_value_numeric,I,indicator_name)
new_value_textual = None
for k in ['textual','text','annotation']:
if k in new_value_raw.keys():
new_value_textual = new_value_raw[k]
if new_value_textual is not None:
new_value_textual = self._new_value_textual(new_value_textual,I,indicator_name)
out = {}
if new_value_numeric is not None:
out['numeric'] = new_value_numeric
if new_value_heatmap is not None:
out['heatmap'] = new_value_heatmap
if new_value_textual is not None:
out['textual'] = new_value_textual
if len(out)>0:
return out
raise NameError(f'Hybrid indicator {I.indicator_type} returned empty values.')
def _new_value_textual(self,new_value,I,indicator_name):
Checks if the provided textual indicator is a dict, and turns into a list of dicts.
new_value: object
Object returned by some subclass of :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` when :attr:`brix.Indicator.indicator_type` is `heatmap` or `access`.
if isinstance(new_value,dict):
new_value = [new_value]
return new_value
def _new_value_heatmap(self,new_value,I,indicator_name):
Handles multiple formats of a new_value for a heatmap indicator.
new_value: object
Object returned by some subclass of :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` when :attr:`brix.Indicator.indicator_type` is `heatmap` or `access`.
if isinstance(new_value, gpd.GeoDataFrame):
new_value = json.loads(new_value.to_json())
new_value = self._format_geojson(new_value,indicator_name)
return [new_value]
def _new_value_numeric(self,new_value,I,indicator_name):
Handles multiple formats of a new_value for a numeric indicator.
new_value: object
Object returned by some subclass of :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` when :attr:`brix.Indicator.indicator_type` is `numeric`.
if isinstance(new_value,list)|isinstance(new_value,tuple):
for i in range(len(new_value)):
val = new_value[i]
if not isinstance(val,dict):
new_value[i] = {'value':val}
warn('Indicator return invalid type:'+str(indicator_name))
if ('indicator_type' not in val.keys())&(I.indicator_type is not None):
val['indicator_type'] = I.indicator_type
if ('viz_type' not in val.keys())&(I.viz_type is not None):
val['viz_type'] = I.viz_type
return list(new_value)
if not isinstance(new_value,dict):
new_value = {'value':new_value}
warn('Indicator return invalid type:'+str(indicator_name))
if ('name' not in new_value.keys()):
new_value['name'] = indicator_name
if ('indicator_type' not in new_value.keys())&(I.indicator_type is not None):
new_value['indicator_type'] = I.indicator_type
if ('viz_type' not in new_value.keys())&(I.viz_type is not None):
new_value['viz_type'] = I.viz_type
return [new_value]
[docs] def get_GEOGRID_EDGES(self):
Gets the edges of a graph that connects each cell to its nearest neighbors.
Edge list of cell ids. Each cell has at most 4 neighbors.
if self.GEOGRID_EDGES is None:
geos = pd.DataFrame([(cell['properties']['id'],cell['geometry']) for cell in self.get_GEOGRID()['features']],columns=['id','geometry'])
geos = pd.DataFrame([(i,cell['geometry']) for i,cell in enumerate(self.get_GEOGRID()['features'])],columns=['id','geometry'])
geos = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geos.drop('geometry',1),geometry=geos['geometry'].apply(lambda x: shape(x))) # no crs to avoid warning
geos['lon'] = round(geos.geometry.centroid.x,4)
geos['lat'] = round(geos.geometry.centroid.y,4)
edge_list = []
for xlabel,ylabel in [('lon','lat'),('lat','lon')]:
rows = geos.groupby(xlabel)
for name, group in rows:
ids = group.sort_values(by=ylabel)['id'].values.tolist()
edge_list += list(zip(ids[:-1],ids[1:]))
self.GEOGRID_EDGES = edge_list
return self.GEOGRID_EDGES
def _combine_heatmap_values(self,new_values_heatmap):
Combines a list of heatmap features (formatted as geojsons) into one cityIO GeoJson
all_properties = set([])
combined_features = {}
for new_value in new_values_heatmap:
for f in new_value['features']:
if f['geometry'] is None:
raise NameError('Unknown geometry found in heatmap:',f)
if f['geometry']['type']=='Point':
all_properties = all_properties|set(f['properties'].keys())
lon,lat = f['geometry']['coordinates']
hashed = pgh.encode(lat,lon)
if hashed in combined_features.keys():
combined_features[hashed]['properties'] = {**combined_features[hashed]['properties'], **f['properties']}
combined_features[hashed]['properties'] = defaultdict(lambda: self.none_character,combined_features[hashed]['properties'])
combined_features[pgh.encode(lat,lon)] = f
raise NameError('Only Points supported at this point')
all_properties = list(all_properties)
combined_features = list(combined_features.values())
for f in combined_features:
f['properties'] = [f['properties'][p] for p in all_properties]
return {'type':'FeatureCollection','properties':all_properties,'features':combined_features}
[docs] def get_indicator_values(self,geogrid_data=None,include_composite=False):
Returns the current values of NUMERIC indicators. Used for developing a composite indicator.
include_composite : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will also include the composite indicators, using the :class:`brix.Indicator` `is_composite` parameter.
indicator_values : dict
Dictionary with values for each indicator formatted as: ``{indicator_name: indicator_value, ...}``
if geogrid_data is None:
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
new_values_numeric = []
for indicator_name in self.indicators:
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
if (I.indicator_type not in ['access','heatmap'])&(not I.is_composite):
if I.indicator_type=='hybrid':
new_values_numeric += self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)['numeric']
new_values_numeric += self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)
indicator_values = {i['name']:i['value'] for i in new_values_numeric}
if include_composite:
for indicator_name in self.indicators:
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
if (I.indicator_type not in ['access','heatmap'])&(I.is_composite):
new_values_numeric += self._new_value(indicator_values,indicator_name)
indicator_values = {i['name']:i['value'] for i in new_values_numeric}
return indicator_values
[docs] def update_package(self,geogrid_data=None,append=False):
Returns the package that will be posted in CityIO.
geogrid_data : dict, optional
Result of :func:`brix.Handler.get_geogrid_data`. If not provided, it will be retrieved.
append : boolean, defaults to `False`
If True, it will append the new indicators to whatever is already there.
new_values : list
Note that all heatmat indicators have been grouped into just one value.
if geogrid_data is None:
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
new_values_numeric = []
new_values_heatmap = []
new_values_textual = []
# Get values for non-composite indicators first
for indicator_name in self.indicators:
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
if I.indicator_type in ['hybrid']:
new_value_hybrid = self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)
if 'heatmap' in new_value_hybrid.keys():
new_values_heatmap += new_value_hybrid['heatmap']
if 'numeric' in new_value_hybrid.keys():
new_values_numeric += new_value_hybrid['numeric']
if 'textual' in new_value_hybrid.keys():
new_values_textual += new_value_hybrid['textual']
elif I.indicator_type in ['access','heatmap']:
new_values_heatmap += self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)
elif I.indicator_type in ['text','textual','annotation']:
new_values_textual += self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)
elif (I.indicator_type in ['numeric'])&(not I.is_composite):
new_values_numeric += self._new_value(geogrid_data,indicator_name)
elif (I.indicator_type in ['grid']):
raise NameError(f'Unrecognized indicator type {I.indicator_type} for {indicator_name}')
except Exception:
warn('Indicator not working:'+str(indicator_name))
# Get values for composite indicators
for indicator_name in self.indicators:
I = self.indicators[indicator_name]
if (I.is_composite)&(I.indicator_type not in ['access','heatmap']):
indicator_values = {i['name']:i['value'] for i in new_values_numeric}
new_values_numeric += self._new_value(indicator_values,indicator_name)
# add ref values if they exist
if self.reference is not None:
for new_value in new_values_numeric:
if new_value['name'] in self.reference:
if append:
if len(new_values_numeric)!=0:
current = self.see_current()
self.previous_indicators = current
current = [indicator for indicator in current if indicator['name'] not in self.indicators.keys()]
new_values_numeric += current
if len(new_values_heatmap)!=0:
current_access = self.see_current(indicator_type='access')
self.previous_access = current_access
current_access = self._format_geojson(current_access,None)
new_values_heatmap = [current_access]+new_values_heatmap
new_values_heatmap = self._combine_heatmap_values(new_values_heatmap)
out = {}
out['numeric'] = new_values_numeric
out['heatmap'] = new_values_heatmap
out['textual'] = new_values_textual
return out
[docs] def test_indicators(self):
'''Dry run over all indicators.'''
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
for indicator_name in self.indicators:
if self.indicators[indicator_name].is_composite:
indicator_values = self.get_indicator_values(geogrid_data=geogrid_data,include_composite=False)
[docs] def get_geogrid_props(self):
Gets the `GEOGRID` properties defined for the table. These properties are not dynamic and include things such as the NAICS and LBCS composition of each lego type.
geogrid_props : dict
Table GEOGRID properties.
if self.geogrid_props is None:
geogrid = self.get_GEOGRID()
self.geogrid_props = geogrid['properties']
return self.geogrid_props
[docs] def get_table_properties(self):
Gets table properties. This info can also be accessed through :func:`brix.Handler.get_geogrid_props`.
return self.get_geogrid_props()['header']
[docs] def get_grid_hash(self):
Retreives the GEOGRID hash from:
r = self._get_url(urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url,'meta/hashes'))
if r.status_code==200:
hashes = r.json()
grid_hash_id = hashes[self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname]
warn('WARNING: Table does not have a '+self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname+' variable.')
grid_hash_id = self.grid_hash_id
warn('Cant access cityIO hashes')
return grid_hash_id
[docs] def get_GEOGRID(self,force_get=False):
Returns geogrid object stored locally. If force_get=True, it will return remote object and overwrite local object.
force_get : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will GET request the geogrid object and overwrite the locally stored one.
if (self.GEOGRID is None)|force_get:
r = self._get_url(urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url,self.GEOGRID_varname))
if r.status_code==200:
geogrid = r.json()
geogrid = self.parse_classifications(geogrid)
warn('NAICS and LBCS classifications were not properly parsed.')
self.GEOGRID = geogrid
warn('WARNING: Cant access GEOGRID')
return self.GEOGRID
[docs] def normalize_codes(self,code_proportion):
Helper function to transform:
[{'proportion': 0.3, 'use': {'6700': 1}}, {'proportion': 0.7, 'use': {'2310': 0.3, '4100': 0.7}}]
{'6700': 0.3, '2310': 0.21, '4100': 0.49}
new_code_proportion = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for prop in code_proportion:
for code in prop['use']:
new_code_proportion[code]+= round(prop['proportion']*prop['use'][code],5)
new_code_proportion = dict(new_code_proportion)
total = sum(new_code_proportion.values())
new_code_proportion = {k:new_code_proportion[k]/total for k in new_code_proportion}
return new_code_proportion
[docs] def parse_classifications(self,geogrid):
Helper function to parse the LBCS and NAICS strings into dictionaries of the form:
{'6700': 0.3, '2310': 0.21, '4100': 0.49}
for t in geogrid['properties']['types']:
for code in self.classification_list:
if code in geogrid['properties']['types'][t].keys():
code_proportion = geogrid['properties']['types'][t][code]
code_proportion = None
if (code_proportion is not None) and (code_proportion !='null'):
if isinstance(geogrid['properties']['types'][t][code],str):
code_proportion = json.loads(geogrid['properties']['types'][t][code])
code_proportion = self.normalize_codes(code_proportion)
code_proportion = None
geogrid['properties']['types'][t][code] = code_proportion
return geogrid
[docs] def set_opacity(self,alpha,default_alpha=1):
Sets opacity values in GEOGRID.
To see updates in GEOGRIDDATA, reset GEOGRIDDATA using :func:`brix.Handler.reset_geogrid_data`.
alpha: float or dict
Values of opacity between 0 and 1.
If dict, use the types as keys and opacity as values.
Non-specificed types will be set to default_alpha.
If float, this will change the opacity for all types equally.
default_alpha: float, defaults to 1
Opacity value to use when type not specified in alpha.
geogrid = self.get_GEOGRID()
features = geogrid['features']
for cell in features:
if isinstance(alpha,dict):
if cell['properties']['name'] in alpha.keys():
cell['properties']['color'] = cell['properties']['color'][:3]+[int(alpha[cell['properties']['name']]*255)]
cell['properties']['color'] = cell['properties']['color'][:3]+[int(default_alpha*255)]
cell['properties']['color'] = cell['properties']['color'][:3]+[int(alpha*255)]
r =,'features'),data=json.dumps(features),headers=self.post_headers)
geogrid = self.get_GEOGRID(force_get=True)
[docs] def get_GEOGRIDDATA(self):
Returns the raw GEOGRIDDATA object.
This function should be treated as a low-level function, please use :func:`brix.Handler.get_geogrid_data` instead.
r = self._get_url(urljoin(self.cityIO_get_url,self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname))
if r.status_code==200:
geogrid_data = r.json()
warn('WARNING: Cant access GEOGRIDDATA')
geogrid_data = None
return geogrid_data
def _get_grid_data(self,include_geometries=False,with_properties=False):
geogrid_data = self.get_GEOGRIDDATA()
geogrid = self.get_GEOGRID()
geogrid_edges = self.get_GEOGRID_EDGES()
geogrid_data = GEOGRIDDATA(geogrid_data)
if not geogrid_data.check_id_validity():
if not geogrid_data.check_id_validity():
warn('WARNING: Current GEOGRIDDATA includes undefined types.')
if include_geometries|any([I.requires_geometry for I in self.indicators.values()]):
for i in range(len(geogrid_data)):
geogrid_data[i]['geometry'] = self.get_GEOGRID()['features'][i]['geometry']
if with_properties|any([I.requires_geogrid_props for I in self.indicators.values()]):
geogrid_props = geogrid['properties']
types_def = geogrid_props['types'].copy()
if 'static_types' in geogrid_props:
types_def['None'] = None
for cell in geogrid_data:
if cell['name'] in types_def.keys():
cell['properties'] = types_def[cell['name']]
return geogrid_data
def _get_url(self,url,params=None,raise_warning=True):
attempts = 0
success = False
while (attempts < self.nAttempts)&(not success):
if not self.quietly:
r = requests.get(url,params=params)
if r.status_code==200:
if not success:
if raise_warning:
return r
[docs] def get_geogrid_data(self,include_geometries=False,with_properties=False):
Returns the geogrid data from:
include_geometries : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will also add the geometry information for each grid unit.
with_properties : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will add the properties of each grid unit as defined when the table was constructed (e.g. LBCS code, NAICS code, etc.)
geogrid_data : :class:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA`
Data taken directly from the table to be used as input for :class:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator`.
Object behaves as a list of dicts.
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data(include_geometries=include_geometries,with_properties=with_properties)
return geogrid_data
def _post_indicators(self,new_values,post_empty=False):
Post indicators to numeric, heatmap, and textual endpoints.
new_values: dict
Dict formated as: {'heatmap':heatmap_values,'numeric':numeric_values,'textual':textual_values}
post_empty: boolean, defaults to `False`
If False, it will prevent the function from posting empty indicators.
if ('numeric' in new_values.keys()) and (post_empty or len(new_values['numeric'])!=0):
r =,'indicators'), data=json.dumps(new_values['numeric']), headers=self.post_headers)
if ('heatmap' in new_values.keys()) and (post_empty or len(new_values['heatmap']['features'])!=0):
r =,'access'), data=json.dumps(new_values['heatmap']), headers=self.post_headers)
if ('textual' in new_values.keys()) and (post_empty or len(new_values['textual'])!=0):
r =,'textual'), data=json.dumps(new_values['textual']), headers=self.post_headers)
[docs] def clear_endpoints(self):
Clears the table of all pre-existing numeric, heatmap, and textual indicators.
null_update = {
'numeric': None,
'heatmap': None,
'textual': None
[docs] def rollback(self):
''':class:`brix.Handler` keeps track of the previous value of the indicators and access values.This function rollsback the current values to whatever the locally stored values are.
See also :func:`brix.Handler.previous_indicators` and :func:`brix.Handler.previous_access`.
r =,'indicators'), data=json.dumps(self.previous_indicators), headers=self.post_headers)
r =,'access'), data=json.dumps(self.previous_access), headers=self.post_headers)
[docs] def clear_table(self):
'''Clears all indicators from the table.'''
grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
empty_update = {'numeric': [],'heatmap': {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'properties': [], 'features': []}}
r =,'indicators'), data=json.dumps(empty_update['numeric']), headers=self.post_headers)
r =,'access') , data=json.dumps(empty_update['heatmap']), headers=self.post_headers)
if not self.quietly:
print('Cleared table')
self.grid_hash_id = grid_hash_id
def _listen(self,showFront=False,robust=False):
Lower level listen. Should only be called directly for debugging purposes.
Use :func:`brix.Handler.listen` instead.
Listens for changes in the table's geogrid and update all indicators accordingly.
You can use the update_package method to see the object that will be posted to the table.
This method starts with an update before listening.
showFront : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will open the front-end URL in a webbrowser at start.
robust : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True`, whenever a grid configuration breaks an indicator, the module will not stop, but rather wait until the grid changes and try to update again.
if not self.quietly:
print('Table URL:',self.front_end_url)
print('Testing indicators')
if not self.quietly:
print('Performing initial update')
if showFront:, new=2)
self.grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
while True:
grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
if grid_hash_id!=self.grid_hash_id:
if not robust:
if self.perform_geogrid_data_update():
grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
if self.perform_geogrid_data_update():
grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
except Exception:
warn('I was not able to update grid with hash:',grid_hash_id)
warn('Waiting until a new grid appears')
self.grid_hash_id = grid_hash_id
[docs] def run(self):
Run method to be called by :func:`threading.Thread.start`.
It runs :func:`brix.Handler._listen`.
[docs] def listen(self,new_thread=False,showFront=False,append=False,clear_endpoints=False,robust=False):
Listens for changes in the table's geogrid and update all indicators accordingly.
You can use the update_package method to see the object that will be posted to the table.
This method starts with an update before listening.
Can run in a separate thread.
Does not support updating GEOGRIDDATA.
new_thread : boolean, defaults to `False`.
If `True` it will run in a separate thread, freeing up the main thread for other tables.
We recommend setting this to `False` when debugging, to avoid needing to recreate the object.
showFront : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will open the front-end URL in a webbrowser at start.
Only works if `new_tread=False`.
append : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True` it will append the new indicators to whatever is already there.
This option will be deprecated soon. We recommend not using it unless strictly necessary.
clear_endpoints : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True`, it will clear all existing heatmap, numeric, and textual indicators.
This is not recommended for deployment, only for testing.
robust : boolean, defaults to `False`
If `True`, whenever a grid configuration breaks an indicator, the module will not stop, but rather wait until the grid changes and try to update again.
Incompatible with `new_thread=True`
unlinked_indicators = self.list_all_unlinked_indicators()
if len(unlinked_indicators)>0:
unlinked_indicators = ', '.join(unlinked_indicators)
warn(f'You have unlinked indicators: {unlinked_indicators}')
self.append_on_post = append
if clear_endpoints:
if new_thread:
[docs] def reset_geogrid_data(self,override_verification=True):
Resets the GEOGRIDDATA endpoint to the initial value.
If the GEOGRIDDATA has not been updated, this will update it.
override_verification: boolean, defaults to `True`
If True, it will ensure the object defined in GEOGRID/features is a valid GEOGRIDDATA object.
If False, it will post the object in GEOGRID/features to GEOGRIDDATa without any verification.
geogrid_data = []
for i,cell in enumerate(self.get_GEOGRID()['features']):
cell = cell['properties']
cell['id'] = i
[docs] def post_geogrid_data(self,geogrid_data,override_verification=False):
Posts the given geogrid_data object, ensuring that the object is valid.
Function can be called by itself or using :func:`brix.Handler.update_geogrid_data`.
geogrid_data: dict
Dictionary corresponding to a valid :class:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA` object.
override_verification: boolean, defaults to `False`
If True, it will override the verification of the input as a valid object.
if not override_verification:
geogrid_data = GEOGRIDDATA(geogrid_data)
if not geogrid_data.check_id_validity():
if not geogrid_data.check_id_validity():
raise NameError('IDs do not match.')
if not self.quietly:
print('Proceeding without reviewing GEOGRIDDATA')
geogrid_data = list(geogrid_data)
ids = [cell['id'] for cell in geogrid_data]
ids = np.argsort(ids)
geogrid_data = [geogrid_data[i] for i in ids]
r =,self.GEOGRIDDATA_varname), data=json.dumps(geogrid_data), headers=self.post_headers)
self.grid_hash_id = self.get_grid_hash()
if not self.quietly:
print('GEOGRIDDATA successfully updated:',self.grid_hash_id)
[docs] def update_geogrid_data(self,update_func,geogrid_data=None, **kwargs):
Function to update table GEOGRIDDATA.
update_func : function
Function to update the geogriddadata (list of dicts)
Function should take a :class:`brix.GEOGRIDDATA` as the first and only positional argument plus any number of keyword arguments.
Function should return a list of dicts that represents a valid geogriddata object.
>>> def add_height(get_geogrid_data, levels=1):
for cell in geogrid_data:
cell['height'] += levels
return geogrid_data
>>> levels = 3
>>> H = Handler('tablename', quietly=False)
>>> H.update_geogrid_data(add_height, levels=levels)
if geogrid_data is None:
geogrid_data = self._get_grid_data()
new_geogrid_data = update_func(geogrid_data, **kwargs)
if not self.quietly:
print('Done with update')
[docs]class Indicator:
'''Parent class to build indicators from. To use, you need to define a subclass than inherets properties from this class. Doing so, ensures your indicator inherets the necessary methods and properties to connect with a CityScipe table.'''
def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): = None
self.indicator_type = 'numeric'
self.viz_type = 'radar'
self.requires_geometry = None
self.requires_geogrid_props = False
self.model_path = None
self.pickled_model = None
# self.int_types_def=None
# self.types_def=None
# self.geogrid_header=None
self.override_verification = False
self.is_composite = False
self.tableHandler = None
self.table_name = None
for k in ['name','model_path','requires_geometry','indicator_type','viz_type','requires_geogrid_props']:
if k in kwargs.keys(): = kwargs[k]
if self.indicator_type in ['heatmap','access']:
self.viz_type = None
if (self.requires_geometry is None):
if (self.indicator_type in ['heatmap','access']):
self.requires_geometry = True
self.requires_geometry = False
self.return_indicator_user = None
[docs] def setup(self):
'''User defined function. Used to set up the main attributed of the custom indicator. Acts similar to an `__init__` method.'''
[docs] def return_indicator(self,geogrid_data):
User defined function. This function defines the value of the indicator as a function of the table state passed as `geogrid_data`. Function must return either a dictionary, a list, or a number. When returning a dict follow the format: ``{'name': 'Indicator_NAME', 'value': 1.00}``.
geogrid_data : dict
Current state of the table. See :func:`brix.Indicator.get_geogrid_data` and :func:`brix.Handler.get_geogrid_data`. The content of this object will depend on the needs of the indicator. In particular, the values of :attr:`brix.Indicator.requires_geometry` and :attr:`brix.Indicator.requires_geogrid_props`.
indicator_value : list, dict, or float
Value of indicator or list of values. When returning a dict, please use the format ``{'name': 'Indicator Name', 'value': indicator_value}``. When returning a list, please return a list of dictionaries in the same format.
if (self.return_indicator_user is None)&(self.indicator_type=='hybrid'):
heatmap = self.return_indicator_heatmap(geogrid_data)
numeric = self.return_indicator_numeric(geogrid_data)
textual = self.return_indicator_textual(geogrid_data)
numeric = self.return_indicator_numeric(geogrid_data)
heatmap = self.return_indicator_heatmap(geogrid_data)
textual = self.return_indicator_textual(geogrid_data)
out = {}
if heatmap is not None:
out['heatmap'] = heatmap
if numeric is not None:
out['numeric'] = numeric
if textual is not None:
out['textual'] = textual
return out
elif self.return_indicator_user is not None:
return self.return_indicator_user(geogrid_data)
return {}
[docs] def return_indicator_numeric(self,geogrid_data):
Placeholder for user to define.
return None
[docs] def return_indicator_heatmap(self,geogrid_data):
Placeholder for user to define.
return None
[docs] def return_indicator_textual(self,geogrid_data):
Placeholder for user to define.
return None
[docs] def set_return_indicator(self,return_indicator):
Used to set the return_indicator method by passing a function.
return_indicator: func
Function that takes `geogrid_data` as input.
self.return_indicator_user = return_indicator
[docs] def load_module(self):
'''User defined function. Used to load any data necessary for the indicator to run. In principle, you could do everything using :func:`brix.Indicator.setup` but we encourage to separte data loading and module definition into two functions.'''
if self.model_path is not None:
self.pickled_model = joblib.load(self.model_path)
if is None: = self.model_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
[docs] def return_baseline(self,geogrid_data):
'''User defined function. Used to return a baseline value.
[This function might get deprecated]
return None
def _transform_geogrid_data_to_df(self,geogrid_data):
Transform the geogrid_data to a DataFrame to be used by a pickled model.
geogrid_data = pd.DataFrame(geogrid_data)
if 'geometry' in geogrid_data.columns:
geogrid_data = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geogrid_data.drop('geometry',1),geometry=geogrid_data['geometry'].apply(lambda x: shape(x)))
return geogrid_data
# def link_table(self,table_name):
# '''
# Creates a :class:`brix.Handler` and links the table to the indicator. This function should be used only for developing the indicator.
# Parameters
# ----------
# table_name: str or :class:`brix.Handler`
# Name of the table or Handler object.
# '''
# warn('Indicator.link_table will be deprecated soon. Please use Handler class.')
# if (table_name is None) & (self.table_name is None):
# raise NameError('Please provide a table_name to link')
# if table_name is None:
# table_name = self.table_name
# if isinstance(table_name,Handler):
# self.tableHandler = table_name
# else:
# self.tableHandler = Handler(table_name)
# def get_table_properties(self):
# '''Gets table properties from the linked table. See :func:`brix.Indicator.link_table` and :func:`brix.Handler.get_table_properties`.'''
# warn('Indicator.get_table_properties will be deprecated soon. Please use Handler.get_geogrid_props()[\'header\'].')
# if (self.tableHandler is None)& (self.table_name is None):
# raise NameError('No table linked: use Indicator.link_table(table_name)')
# elif (self.tableHandler is None)& (self.table_name is not None):
# self.tableHandler = Handler(table_name)
# return self.tableHandler.get_geogrid_props()['header']
# def get_geogrid_data(self,include_geometries=None,with_properties=None):
# '''
# Returns the geogrid data from the linked table. Function mainly used for development. See :func:`brix.Indicator.link_table`. It returns the exact object that will be passed to return_indicator
# Parameters
# ----------
# include_geometries: boolean, defaults to :attr:`brix.Indicator.requires_geometry`
# If `True`, it will override the default parameter of the Indicator.
# with_properties: boolean, defaults to :attr:`brix.Indicator.requires_geogrid_props`
# If `True`, it will override the default parameter of the Indicator.
# Returns
# -------
# geogrid_data : str or pandas.DataFrame
# Data that will be passed to the :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator` function by the :class:`brix.Handler` when deployed.
# '''
# warn('Indicator.get_geogrid_data will be deprecated soon. Please use Handler.get_geogrid_data.')
# include_geometries = self.requires_geometry if include_geometries is None else include_geometries
# with_properties = self.requires_geogrid_props if with_properties is None else with_properties
# if self.tableHandler is None:
# if self.table_name is not None:
# self.link_table(table_name=self.table_name)
# else:
# warn('To use this function, please link a table first:\n> Indicator.link_table(table_name)')
# return None
# geogrid_data = self.tableHandler._get_grid_data(include_geometries=include_geometries,with_properties=with_properties)
# return geogrid_data
[docs]class CompositeIndicator(Indicator):
'''Subclass used to define composite indicators. Composite indicators are functions of already defined indicators. By defining :func:`brix.Indicator.setup` and :func:`brix.Indicator.return_indicator`, this class allows you to define a composite indicator by just passing an aggregation function.'''
[docs] def setup(self,compose_function,selected_indicators=[],*args,**kwargs):
'''Indicator setup. This function is called upon `__init__` so user does not need to call it independently.
compose_function : function
Function to aggregate values of selected indicators. The function should be build to accept a dictionary with indicator values. See :func:`brix.Handler.get_indicator_values`.
selected_indicators : list, optional
List of indicators to use to aggregate.
self.compose_function = compose_function
self.is_composite = True
self.selected_indicators = selected_indicators
[docs] def return_indicator(self, indicator_values):
'''Applies :attr:`brix.CompositeIndicator.compose_function` to the indicator values to return the composite indicator.
indicator_values : dict
Dictionary with indicator values. See :func:`brix.Handler.get_indicator_values`.
indicator_values : list
List of one indicator.
if len(self.selected_indicators)!=0:
indicator_values = {k:indicator_values[k] for k in indicator_values if k in self.selected_indicators}
value = self.compose_function(indicator_values)
indicator_values = np.array([v for v in indicator_values.values()])
value = self.compose_function(indicator_values)
return [{'name':, 'value': float(value), 'raw_value': None,'units': None,'viz_type': self.viz_type}]
[docs]class StaticHeatmap(Indicator):
Wrapper to create a simple static heatmap indicator.
The indicator will post the given shapefile to the table.
shapefile: geopandas.GeoDataFrame or str
Shapefile with values for each point, or path to shapefile.
columns: list
Columns to plot. If not provided, it will return all numeric columns.
The name of the indicator will be given by the name of the column.
name: str, optional
Name of the indicator.
If not provided, it will generate a name by hashing the column names.
normalize_values: boolean, defaults to `True`
If True, it will ensure all values are between 0 and 1.
Heatmap: brix.Indicator
Heatmap indicator that posts the given shapefile to the table.
[docs] def setup(self,shapefile,columns=None,name=None,normalize_values=True):
self.indicator_type = 'heatmap'
self.requires_geometry = True
if isinstance(shapefile,str):
shapefile = gpd.read_file(shapefile)
shapefile = shapefile
if any(shapefile.geometry.type!='Point'):
shapefile.geometry = shapefile.geometry.centroid
if columns is None:
self.columns = shapefile.drop('geometry',1).select_dtypes(include=[np.number]).columns.tolist()
self.columns = columns
shapefile = shapefile[~shapefile[columns].isnull().all(axis=1)] # Drops rows with all null values
self.shapefile = gpd.GeoDataFrame(shapefile[columns],geometry=shapefile['geometry'])
if normalize_values:
for c in columns:
c_min = self.shapefile[c].min()
c_max = self.shapefile[c].max()
self.shapefile[c] = (self.shapefile[c]-c_min)/(c_max-c_min)
hashed_columns = hashlib.md5('-'.join(list(set(self.columns))).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()[:5] = (f'StaticHeatmap_{hashed_columns}' if (name is None) else name)
[docs] def return_indicator(self, geogrid_data):
out = json.loads(self.shapefile.to_json())['features']
return out